Saas founding fathers of success

I bought the course of Jamie from
It taught me about basic thinking of Software as a service creation.
He himself is a Youtuber, lecturer, and a SaaS creator.
The course that is recommended here can be found here and here is a short overview of what you’ll learn:
Introduction — Short introduction on what is in the market and how to approach it.
Idea generation — how to come up with viable ideas.
Idea validation — the key to whole course, most important part.
Building your product — third most important part after idea validation and marketing.
Building a skeleton micro SaaS — learning the basics of how to build the foundation for your app.
Pricing your Saas — Jamie is talking from experience on how to price it.
Marketing — The second most important part. If you don’t sell, it not ends well.
Measurement and analytics — How to keep the numbers in your favor. Learning to read analytics and taking according action.
Running your micro Saas — The costs and the ins and outs of the entire Saas managements on a low budget.
Solo founder mindset — How to get into the mind of the person who builds for success.
The course is supporting subtitles on all of these languages: English, Portuguese, Spanish, French, Hindi, Korean, Bulgarian, Indonesian, and Arabic.
There is also Steven Cravotta from this channel who claims to build a puff count app for vape addicts. No funny business he makes $30k/month on average from his silly app idea. Not so silly, eh?
I had a few ideas of possible Saas projects, and I was looking for people who already made it to learn from them. I found these two chaps to be friendly enough to share their resources. Quite honest I am stuck. I either need to learn to code really well to deliver any of my ideas or have enough money to pay somebody to build it.
Anyhow if you found this article useful, please clap, comment and subscribe.
Looking forward to share my further investigations.
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