Them big companies like Nike or Louis Vuitton have all the resources in the world to produce and create whatever they please.
We small people, soloprenerurs we have only so much time on our hands and so much money. Sometimes you even want to shed a tear bringing up this comparisons.
I guess staying small and keeping alive is an art in itself.
However, as the title states there are some things that if you stay dedicated enough and resilient enough, you’ can manage to get a decent enough slice of the pie.
Through research here on medium I found people make extra $5k-$15K with gumroad.com
The thing is half of their sales come from a list, which not everybody has.
The second half comes through here. Medium.
When come with one plus one, it means you can make extra $7.5K a year just by posting once a day on medium.
So here is my offer to you. Got to chatGPT and talk to it about any topic you find could be interesting for people online not only to read but also to buy and create a PDF out of it. You will save people time and effort by taking all that valuable insight and presenting it in a more familiar format.
Then go to Canva and design a cover. Post all of it on Gumroad under e-book section and start selling. Here is my own example: https://prockstem.gumroad.com/l/Howtoactlikeasalesman
Since I blog about sales. This book is crucial enough on how to act like a salesman. Once you learn the act you are 90% there. Happy sales everybody! Keep blogging.