Written word to money 101

Written word always has fascinated me. The ability to create meaning out of symbols on a white or cream paper made the whole process to appear as a sort of magic.
Now real magic is when you are able to make food appear on command. Isn’t it so? The most vital aspect of life…
Nowadays you have ChatGPT that generates words and meanings left and right. However, not everyone knows how to turn it to money, that then can be turned to food.
So here it comes. The 101 principal of word to money transfusion: sell with your words.
Pretty darn simple, eh?
Not really. The deeper you go that rabbit hole the more challenges you encounter and solve.
The question that logically arises next is what the hell should I sell?
The answer anything you believe people would buy.
The basics is to sell your service of a copywriter to sell better other people’s stuff.
If you manage to land such a GIG in a local newspaper or talk to the owners of the local fashion stores that have newsletters or eCOM versions of their stores, and you have proven record of increasing conversions you can make a money magnet out of yourself.
The truth is you don’t even need to have that track record. Just tell them you’ll improve their conversions by 10% in 3 tries. What they have got to lose?
The problem is nowadays not everyone has got the gut to do the leg work and sit through a conversation with a life changing key person.
Once you get the gut, or get a boot into your butt, that’s where it starts.
Good luck!